Top 5 Latest Studies on Kratom That You Need to Know About

Kratom — the ground leaves of the mitragyna speciosa plant — has been coveted by various Southeast Asian populations for centuries. However, kratom has only recently gained recognition in the...

Kratora’s Best South American Herbs & Ethnobotanicals

South America is one of the most biodiverse continents on the planet, with an abundance of rich plant and animal life and sustainable cultures that date back centuries. From the...

Kratora’s Asian Ethnobotanicals & Kratom

When it comes to traditional herbs and plants, there is nowhere with a history of medicinal herb use as rich and as well-known as Asia. From traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)...

Kratora’s Best African Herbs & Ethnobotanicals

Africa is a continent with great geographical and biological diversity—with everything from the Sahara Desert to extensive savanna grasslands and lush rainforests in the continent’s interior. Each of these bioregions...

Kratom Extract Vs. Kratom Powder: Is There Really a Difference?

Although kratom powder is the most ubiquitous and popular form of kratom, kratom extract is becoming increasingly popular with consumers. Created via a secondary extraction process, kratom extracts boast heightened...

What is “Mitragyna Hirsuta?”

Mitragyna Hirsuta: A Popular Kratom Alternative If you’re looking for kratom alternatives, you really can’t miss Mitragyna hirsuta. What is Mitragyna hirsuta? This tree is in the same genus and...