What are Kava Kava Bars?

Once a ceremonial drink that was restricted to the South Pacific Islands, kava kava is now being sold in health food shops around the world. The relaxing and slightly euphoric...

Everything You Need to Know About Thai Kratom and Its Effects

There are a lot of kratom varieties out there, but Thai kratom is in a class by itself. In terms of Thai kratom’s effects, quality, and potency, you can count...

What is the Best Kratom For You?

What is the best kratom for your needs? It’s not just about finding the right strain and vein color (though that is important). You also have to consider the delivery...

Everything You Need to Know About Kali Kratom

If you're looking for an interesting and unique strain of kratom, Kali kratom might be the right choice for you. Kali comes from the Kalimantan region of the island of...

What is a ‘Coevolutionary Relationship’?

Coevolutionary relationships are a fascinating topic in evolutionary biology. These codependent relationships often happen between two species that have evolved together. In short, the evolution of one species is influenced...

What is “Microdosing?”

Understanding microdosing and what it is has become a topic of interest for natural supplement and nootropic proponents. Microdosing is a different way to use your chosen health and wellness...