
Where to Find “Responsibly Sourced” Kratom: What Is It & How To Buy It

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Within the tropical lands of Southeast Asia, various native populations have been using kratom for centuries. Enticed by the plant’s soothing and relaxing properties, locals began distributing kratom across Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. With the advent of global trade, kratom eventually became a global commodity. In 2016 alone, Indonesian kratom farmers exported 400 tonnes of kratom a month to overseas buyers.

However, as a botanical substance, kratom is a product of its environment. Just as the potency of kratom can vary from leaf to leaf, a grower’s professionalism and expertise can ultimately dictate the quality of each harvest.  If you’re looking where to find kratom, it’s important to understand this distinction. After all, buying organic kratom can get you an entirely different product than purchasing from a less costly, unscrupulous vendor.


What is “Responsibly Sourced” Kratom?

Although “responsibly sourced kratom” could be interpreted in many ways, the term generally refers to the sustainability involved throughout all stages of production. A vendor that carries responsibly sourced kratom may take measures to ensure that their kratom is cultivated and harvested in a way that is respectful of the land, people, and economies that produce it.

For instance, kratom products that are labeled “responsibly sourced” may have been produced by kratom farmers that farm under ethical conditions and are well-compensated for their work. In contrast, “standard,” non-responsibly sourced kratom may have been produced by exploiting workers and rewarding them with little pay.

If you’re seeking where to find high-quality kratom, whether online or off, you’ll likely notice some kratom vendors marketing their products with labels like “fair-trade,” “buy organic kratom,” or “ethically produced.” While there’s not always a way to verify the validity of these statements, purchasing responsibly sourced kratom can benefit you and make a world of difference to those who produced it.

A bowl of kratom powder next to a whole kratom leaf.


What Are the Benefits of Responsibly Sourced Kratom?

Although kratom is one of Southeast Asia’s biggest exports, the global market price of kratom is relatively low. As an overseas buyer wondering where to find kratom, your dollar likely has considerable purchasing power. Not only can your purchase get you great kratom, but it can also positively influence Southeast Asia’s continued growth and expansion.

Economic Development

Kratom is a booming industry in countries like Indonesia. In response to demand, many farmers have abandoned depreciating commodities like rubber and palm oil and have flocked to kratom production instead.

However, although kratom has been an economic boon for some regions of Southeast Asia, the “kratom rush” hasn’t been kind to everyone involved. In the interest of cutting costs and boosting profits, some workers involved in kratom production receive minimal pay for their efforts.

Thankfully, by buying organic and responsibly sourced kratom, you can support healthier economic growth in Southeast Asia and help stabilize a burgeoning industry that might otherwise collapse due to the looming threat of profiteering.


If you’re in Southeast Asia and you’re looking for where to find kratom, odds are you won’t have to look far: kratom grows natively and abundantly throughout many Southeast Asian regions. However, production of the plant necessitates large plots of fertile land that can be used exclusively for cultivation. While kratom farmers can rely on nature’s supply of kratom leaves, having a steady, constant supply that’s localized within a specific area ultimately boosts production efficiency.

That said, a reliable, cost-effective supply of kratom isn’t worth it comes at the price of environmental destruction. And unfortunately, like any other crop, kratom can be produced in an unsustainable manner.

If you’re in the process of asking where to find kratom, it’s important to recognize that  non-responsibly sourced kratom often falls into this latter category. Unsustainable kratom production often involves clearing land and replanting kratom trees until the soil is infertile and ecologically compromised. Sadly, in time, these unsustainable practices might come with the ramifications of decreasing kratom’s future availability.

For comparison, palm oil, another cash crop, has devastated areas of Southeast Asia’s environment. To date, the palm oil industry has destroyed many of the region’s forests and threatened several critical animal species including the orangutan. 

Quality, Potency, and Safety

In today’s bustling kratom scene, finding kratom isn’t difficult. Whether you’re partial to purchasing kratom online or shopping locally, many different kratom products are readily available at various price points.

However, the surplus of kratom has created a buyer’s market in which vendors continually undercut one another to increase the affordability of their products. As a consumer, it might be tempting to purchase low-cost kratom products, but buying responsibly sourced organic kratom is generally the better option.

Aside from supporting kratom producers throughout Southeast Asia, responsibly sourced kratom directly benefits the buyer. The higher price point often allows vendors to source fresher, more potent kratom — a difference in quality that’s passed on to the consumer. In contrast, cheaper kratom products are often less fresh and weaker in potency. While a buyer can technically get more kratom by opting to purchase non-responsibly sourced kratom, the lessened quality ultimately undermines the value of the purchase.

Researching where to find kratom also reveals that responsibly sourced kratom products tend to be safer. The increased product costs allow farmers to finance better growing conditions and raise quality control standards, producing a product that’s safer for consumers. On the other hand, mass-produced, factory-farmed kratom is sometimes grown with a high amount of pesticides and lower standards of quality control.

Shaded Rainforest Canopy

Organic Kratom vs. Responsibly Sourced Kratom: What’s the Difference?

Although the terms “organic kratom” and “responsibly sourced kratom” are sometimes used interchangeably, it’s worth distinguishing between the two for the sake of transparency. Knowing the difference can help inform your purchases when you’re discovering where to find kratom in the future.

As we discussed, responsibly sourced kratom can have a multitude of definitions, but it generally refers to kratom that is sustainably cultivated, harvested, and exported. On the other hand, organic kratom has a much narrower definition. Typically, it refers to kratom that is:

  • Produced without the use of pesticides and herbicides
  • Free of artificial ingredients or additives
  • Non-genetically modified

Unfortunately, there isn’t necessarily a guaranteed overlap between these qualifiers. Responsibly sourced kratom isn’t necessarily organic, and organic kratom isn’t necessarily responsibly sourced. 

While it is possible for kratom to be both responsibly sourced and organic, the ambiguity of these terms can leave buyers without a clear-cut explanation of what they’re getting. Ultimately, when looking where to find kratom, it’s worth evaluating each vendor’s product descriptions on a case-by-case basis to determine their merit.

Where Can I Buy Responsibly Sourced Kratom?

Thankfully, as the kratom market has expanded, consumer interest in responsibly sourced kratom has increased over time. Today, ethically and sustainably produced kratom can be purchased from a wide variety of sources, both online and off.

Online Kratom Vendors

For most consumers, purchasing kratom through online sellers is the most convenient and accessible way to get responsibly sourced kratom. Most vendors offer a wide selection of kratom variants, or “strains,” and shipping can be inexpensive or even free when buyers shop domestically.

However, for first-time buyers trying to find kratom online, the sheer amount of vendor options and products can be overwhelming. To narrow down your search, spend some time researching each kratom vendor and their reputation as a seller. Consulting user reviews is a great way to inform your decision-making and ensure that your order is, in fact, high-quality and responsibly sourced.

Kratora: Your Online Destination for Premium-Grade Kratom

Trying to discover where to find kratom can be challenging, but don’t worry: we’ve got you covered!

Since 2013, Kratora has been supplying the world’s customers with remarkably high-quality kratom products. Whether you’re looking to stock up on esteemed favorites like Red Bali or emerging best-sellers like Bentuangie, our varied selection is sure to please both newcomers and kratom enthusiasts alike.

We’re proud to provide our customers with kratom products that are:

  • All-natural and organically grown
  • Sourced from reliable, trustworthy growers in Southeast Asia
  • Packaged fresh and securely sealed to retain purity and potency
  • Ultra-finely ground where applicable

Shop with us today to receive same-day shipping on orders submitted before 3 PM EST Monday through Friday and 1 PM EST on Saturdays (excluding holidays).

Please note that the US FDA has not approved kratom to be sold for human consumption, sold for external use only. None of the products sold on our website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

Want to learn more about kratom quality and value? Start here:
Why Buying Cheap Kratom Can Be Dangerous

Author Bio


Author Picture

Colleen is a part owner of Kratora along with her brother David. Kratora was founded in 2013 by David with Colleen joining the team later in 2017. The siblings were born and raised in the Bay Area and spent most of their professional years working in Silicon Valley. Their interest in botanicals began in the early 2000s as they cared for a sick family member and quickly grew into the passion that formed Kratora.

Colleen and the team at Kratora are dedicated to providing the best quality botanicals on the market along with the best customer service. They believe their loyal customers are what makes Kratora so special! Over their many years in business it has always brought them joy to work with their customers and see how botanicals are changing lives for the better.

Kratora’s vision is to help their customers live a better life by consistently providing the highest quality, safest, and purest botanicals on the market. Colleen and her team specialize in regular kratom, kratom extracts, liquid kratom, even kratom gummies — plus a lot of kratom alternative products. Kratora is always looking to expand their product line while remaining true to their high standards.

Colleen believes in transparency between the Kratora team and the expert farmers in South Asia which is why they follow Fair Trade policies. Without these farmers, Kratora would not have any products to sell. As part of Colleen’s commitment in providing the highest quality botanicals, Kratora invests highly into third-party lab testing for all of the products they sell.

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