Natural Calming Remedies to Quiet a Busy Mind

Do you feel like your mind is racing all the time? Does it seem like there are too many thoughts constantly buzzing around in your head, and they never stop?...

Five Natural Energizing Alternatives to Caffeine

It should come as no surprise that coffee beans and tea leaves aren’t the only natural sources of energy on the planet. There are endless natural alternatives to caffeine out...

10 Natural Ways To Get Better Sleep

Sleep might be the most underrated natural remedy in existence. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a third of adults don’t receive adequate sleep. Everyone is...

Herbal Alternatives to Prescription Medicine

In the 18th century, the physician, writer, and educator Dr. Benjamin Rush stated: “20 to 30 articles [drugs], aided by the common resources of the lancet, a garden, a kitchen,...

Holistic Fitness: What it is & How it May Help You!

“Holistic fitness” is a term that has come into fashion in recent decades with more and more people seeking ways to combat the compartmentalization of modern life with organic supplements...

Learning to Deal with Disappointment Through Healthy Living

Disappoint can occur at any point in our lives. From failed relationships to being passed up for exciting opportunities, living with disappointment is a common feature of everyday life. As...

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